Mozambique Airlines to Launch China Flight in 2024

Mozambique Airlines (LAM) plans to add new flights to to Brazil, China and India in 2024, after launching new Maputo-Lisbon and Maputo-Cape Town connections.

“It is a possibility and it is in our strategic plan, next year, to operate at least two to three intercontinental destinations [besides Lisbon and Cape Town],” said the commercial director of LAM, Firmino Naftal, in statements to journalists at the international airport of Cape Town.

The Mozambican airline debuted this week its first own flight between Maputo and Cape Town — with three weekly flights.

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Next year, LAM’s plans to advance with connections from Maputo to Sao Paulo (Brazil), Mumbai (India) and Guangzhou (China), according to the company’s commercial director.

“We are now launching these two routes, Cape Town and Lisbon, and we hope that by April they will be well consolidated, before moving forward with the next one,” Firmino Naftal added.

LAM already has a team in Malawi to start in the next few weeks the flights between the two countries, in the face of the demand already identified in the neighbouring country. “We will soon be able to announce this connection,” the official said.

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LAM’s flight network covers 12 domestic destinations, in addition to Johannesburg, Dar es Salaam, Harare, Lusaka and now Cape Town, performing daily more than 40 flights.

The Cape Town and Lisbon destinations are part of the operator’s revitalization plan, after the South African company Fly Modern Ark (FMA) entered the management of LAM in April this year.


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