Huawei Offers Networking Lab to University of Cabo Verde

Chinese technology company Huawei has offered the University of Cabo Verde (Uni-CV) a new fully equipped Networking Lab.

The unit at the Campus of Palmarejo Grande, in the city of Praia, focuses on innovation, research and education in Information and Communication Technologies (TIC).

According to a press release from Uni-CV, the Lab is another fruit of the partnership between the University and the tech company, in reinforcing with education and technological progress in the African country.

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This contribution, it adds, is another stimulus for innovation and technological development in the country, to boost research and education in ICT, through Huawei ICT Competition.

“Now, with the laboratory equipped, students have the opportunity to explore the potential of communication networks and develop innovative solutions with local and international applications,” Uni-CV said.

In 2022, Uni-CV and Huawei signed a protocol that provided for the donation of equipment, but also established a new paradigm of collaboration between the academic community and industry.

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The opening ceremony was attended by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and Business Development and Minister for the Digital Economy, Olavo Correia, China’s Ambassador to Cabo Verde, Xu Jie, Uni-CV President, José Arlindo Barreto, and Huawei’s CEO for West Africa, Lionel Liu.


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