Brazil and China Bolster Science and Technology Ties


Brazil and China are bolstering ties in the field of science and technology, following a Memorandum of Understanding signed in April during a visit to Beijing by the Brazilian President, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

Areas of interest for bilateral cooperation were mapped out in a meeting last week at the Brazilian Ministry of Science (MCTI), the advisor for Scientific Technology Affairs at the Chinese Embassy in Brasília, Lu Ping, and the secretary of Science and Technology for Social Development at MCTI, Inácio Arruda.

A work that has been developed in Brazil and which attracted the Chinese adviser is cooperation for the popularization of science and scientific education, according to MCTI.

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Another activity in which there could be collaboration is the organization of scientific Olympiads, such as the Brazilian Mathematical Olympiad for Public Schools (OBMEP-IMPA) and the Secondary School Mathematics Teachers Olympiad (OPMbr), which rewards the winners with a visit to Shanghai.

Counselor Lu Ping suggested organizing meetings between Brazilian and Chinese researchers, such as the Joint Brazil-China Mathematics Meeting, which takes place in Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná.

In addition, China is interested in cooperating with equipment for family farming and e-commerce applications, combating desertification and space project for climate research, such as the Bingo telescope, which is being built in Paraíba, by the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), a unit of the ministry in partnership with the Chinese company CETC54.

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The Chinese diplomat explained that the concepts of social technologies and solidarity economy are new in China and that his country would like to learn from the Brazilian experience in these areas.

Secretary Inácio Arruda recalled that “the creation of the Secretariat of Science and Technology for Social Development stems from President Lula’s will that science and technology benefit the neediest population”.


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