More than 60% of “golden visas” in Portugal have expired


More than 60% of “golden visas” in Portugal have expired, which can prevent entry and exit from the country, according to official data.

Renewal of Residence Permits for Investment Activity (ARI), known as “golden visas”, is mandatory every two years and the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF) has 19,000 requests for renewal of Residence Permits for Investment Activity (ARI) pending.

According to newspaper “Público”, despite the SEF having extended the admissibility period, many visa holders are prevented from leaving or entering Portugal.

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“The admissibility of documents has been extended until December 31, 2022”, SEF says. However, there are hundreds of holders of expired “golden visas” who are prevented from leaving or entering the country, as these expired documents are not accepted at international airports.

In the last decade, between October 2012 and September 2022, 11,180 ARIs and 18,368 residence permits were granted to their relatives.

A total of 29,548 visas were given and global investment in Portugal, mostly in real estate, reached 6,564 million euros.


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