Japan Supports Artisanal Fishing in Cabo Verde With EUR 2.3 Million

Cabo Verde will receive EUR 2.3 million from the Japanese government to support artisanal fishing, including for the purchase of cold storage equipment for fish conservation through renewable energies.

Representatives of the two governments signed the exchange of notes agreement on Tuesday, within the framework of the African country´s Economic and Social Development Program in the field of Fisheries.

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Cabo Verde’s Minister of Maritime Economy, Paulo Veiga, highlighted the “very strong partnership between Cabo Verde and Japan” and explained that the donation resulted from a project presented by Cape Verde for Japanese financing in the area of artisanal fisheries and involves “improved transport and conservation of fish”.

According to the Minister of Maritime Economy, Cabo Verde has about 5,000 artisanal fishermen, a number that will be updated through an ongoing census in the country’s artisanal fisheries sector.


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