China among top-3 investors in Angola between 2018-2022


China was one of the top-3 investors in Angola between 2018-2022, according to data from the African country´s investment agency, Aipex.

From 2018 to March 2022, the United Arab Emirates led foreign direct investment (FDI) in Angola, with USD 351.7 million dollars, followed by the United Kingdom, with USD 283.1 million, and China (USD 225 million), according to figures quoted by Jornal de Angola.

Germany ranked fourth (USD 93.6 million), followed by France (USD 36.8 million), Belgium (USD 24.5 million), Hong Kong (USD 20.5 million), Portugal (USD 19.2 million), Eritrea (USD 12 million) and Switzerland (USD 10 million).

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Aipex estimated that, during the period, total FDI in Angola reached USD 2.7 billion, with 234 projects, from 48 countries.

Major FDI projects were linked to sectors such as mining, financial activity, telecommunications, civil construction, education, health, tourism, fishing, agriculture, commerce and industry.

Among the projects financed by the United Arab Emirates is a factory for the assembly of agricultural tractors, inaugurated in 2020 by President João Lourenço, in the Luanda-Bengo special economic zone (SEZ).


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