Brazil Picking 15 Startups for II China-Brazil Innovation Week


Brazil is picking 15 startup companies for the II China-Brazil Innovation Week, which will take place in August in Shanghai.

The event, promoted in partnership by the Consulate General of Brazil in Shanghai, Venture Cup China and Apex-Brasil, brings together large companies in the technology sector, from both countries, investors, incubators and local accelerators and academics.

Fostering debate and presenting of opportunities for innovation in China for Brazilian startups, the event’s main goal is to support agritechs and startups that work with a focus on sustainability and the challenges related to carbon neutralization.

To participate in the II China-Brazil Innovation Week, which will take place between August 16 and 18 in Shanghai – online and in person – companies need to have the potential to open operations in China.

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According to Apex-Brasil’s Manager of Competitiveness and Education, Deborah Rossoni, the event will be “an unique opportunity for Brazilian startups”.

“The companies will be able to present themselves to a jury of Chinese investors, in a totally interconnected business environment and endowed with lectures, from high-level Brazilian and Chinese guests”, Rossoni said.

The list of activities during and after the event for the selected companies includes online pitch training, presentation of the local ecosystem focused on challenges and opportunities for softlanding, support for the international expansion plan, one-on-one meetings with Chinese company or investor.

The Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) is accepting registration until June 6.


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